I tried it and the second field B is not editable.
I guess that it's normal as it's a CB Code field getting the result upon the first one line this
global $_CB_database;
$_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT * FROM `#__groupjive_plugin_events` WHERE `id` = " . (int) '[cb_marketevents]' );
$event = $_CB_database->loadAssoc();
if($event) {$eventname = ( (in_array( 18, \CBLib\Application\Application::User( (int) $event['user_id'] )->getAuthorisedGroups()) && ($event['group'] != 56)) ? (int) CBuser::getUserDataInstance( (int) $event['user_id'] )->get( 'cb_marketing_multiplier' ) . ' €' : '(2 €)' );}
//else $eventname = \CBLib\Language\CBTxt::T('UE_SET_CAMPAIGN');
echo $eventname;
That worked well as you suggested in another post for a json url that we query with native applications. But this time we would like it to display in the user profile and I cannot get it to work.
Do you have a suggestion ?