the Install from Web Site Keys aren't working for me...
I've added a Site Key, by clicking on the button in Configuration > Integrations, and creating the key.
I've copied the key and pasted it into the "Install from Web Site Key" text box, and saved the configuration.
When I go to Install & Update Plugins, the Install from Web tab is empty, and the message I am seeing at the right of the window is "Install from Web cache will refresh ." There isn't a time showing for when the update will occur. If I click on the Refresh Now button the screen cycles through a refreshg, as if it is looking for updates, but still is blank.
If I remove the site key, and save the configuration, when I go to Install & Update Plugins, the Install from Web tab is populated, but even if I am logged in to Joomlapolis in another window, I am seeing the following error message when I try to install the updates.
Download Update All - Upload Failed
Unrecoverable error "PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)"
Failed to save Install CB Plugin because: Installation error
This is happening on any of the sites I use Community Builder on. All sites are hosted on SiteGround.
Any ideas on what is happening?