In brief: Conditions -> Field: User
regardless of the
Displayed User / Viewing User selection, the condition always works as Displayed User
I'm not sure if this is a bug or I don't understand how it works?
I noticed on my test environment, with recent versions of joomla! and CB, but also tested today (2020/08/12) at
and the effect is the same, so Joomla, CB, PHP and MYSQ versions are: Joomla! 3.9.20 — © 2020 Community Builder Demo Site, Your version is 2.4.6, Latest version 2.4.6.
At demo.cbdemosites.com:
1. As an Administrator, I created the Tab "test_1" and text Field "test_1" on it.
2. I set conditions for both Tab and Field:
Integrations -> CB Conditional
Display: Tab/Field conditional show
Field: User
User: Displayed User/Viewing User (<- I tested it by switching)
Operator: Is
Users: 1
Debug: Yes
Next I login as Demo
and regardless of the Displayed User / Viewing User selection, the condition always works as Displayed User:
Tab 66 condition 1 (AND) of 1 (OR) failed to match with: "243" (customusers) Is In "1"
Tab 66 condition 1 (AND) of 1 (OR) failed to match with: "229" (customusers) Is In "1"
I expected a message and action
Tab 66 condition 1 (AND) of 1 (OR) failed to match with: "243" (customusers) Is In "1" (with demo user id)
at susan profile (229) with Conditions -> Field: User -> User: Viewing User
with the condition for "field" display is the same problem as with "Tab".
Best wishes