I appreciate SO MUCH your efforts on our behalf! This time, the code that you have provided does not seem to do everything necessary. When I run the code you provided (after replacing the TABLE_PREFIX and FIELD_ID with appropriate information), it completes several hundred records but gives the error message:
Warning: #1048 Column 'asset' cannot be null
And sure enough, all fields are completed but the Asset column is empty.
I have tried everything that this non-programmer can think of to modify the code for correct results, but am unable to get the right answer.
This is the sql query that I am running:
INSERT INTO `y2vfp_comprofiler_plugin_activity_comments` ( `user_id`, `asset`, `message`, `date` ) SELECT b.`userid`, CONCAT( 'comment.', ( SELECT `id` FROM `y2vfp_comprofiler_plugin_activity_comments` WHERE `asset` = CONCAT( 'profile.', b.`userid`, '.field.118' ) AND `message` = b.`feedback` LIMIT 1 ) ), b.`feedback`, b.`date` FROM `y2vfp_comprofiler_plug_profilebook` AS b WHERE b.`posterid` > 0 AND b.`mode` = 'w' AND ( b.`feedback` != '' AND b.`feedback` IS NOT NULL )
I know that this is probably outside of the realm of expected customer support, but is there any place in the code you can think of that I might be able to modify that would fix the Asset issue?