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Saving Member searches / filters and user-email with new entries

  • ericmuc
  • ericmuc
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4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #320375 by ericmuc

Thanks, I understand. Sometimes I wish you would have a greater development team for some of the funny things users want. But thanks again and I appreciate your answers and help everytime much.

And seems I have found a third party extension for that. The developer told me that they will make an update of the component soon. I will give this a try, but I don't know, whether it is good for my purpose.

Here just for sharing this information:

"You can define, configure and embed Community Builder advanced searches (this component works with any CB version!). Since JEmbedAll version 1.3 the search results can open in the same window, in a different window or in a modal window. Beyond that, you can give every user several powerful tools: they can save the search forms and search results, they can embed that saved search results as users lists, they can use CB privacy - a tool that restricts access to some fields, or even the users, on searches."
Last edit: 4 years 5 months ago by ericmuc.

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  • krileon
  • krileon
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4 years 5 months ago #320376 by krileon
There might be other generic solutions for Joomla that let users save URLs like bookmarks except on-site. Could be a module of some kind. Recommend checking JED as you may not need a CB specific solution for this and it would allow users to on-site bookmark more than just search results.

Kyle (Krileon)
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