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Question to group field

  • ericmuc
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4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #320838 by ericmuc
[SOLVED] Question to group field was created by ericmuc

I am using some group fields, here I have one wish and a question:

1) wish
it would be great, if a single data set of a field group can be edited with the ajax front end editing alone, without opening all data sets of the field group, that means, every data set needs a edit pencil for changing the content

2) question
a user should be able to start the first data set in a field group in the profile with frontend ajax (not with profile editing), therefor he needs a pencil under the tab with the field group, even with no data in the field group. At the moment a field group can be first filled with data only in profile editing, if one data set exists, more can be added with ajax frontend editing. Is that possible?

Thanks, best regards
Last edit: 4 years 4 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject

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4 years 5 months ago #320840 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Question to group field

1) wish
it would be great, if a single data set of a field group can be edited with the ajax front end editing alone, without opening all data sets of the field group, that means, every data set needs a edit pencil for changing the content

That's planned, but currently it's just not possible. You have to keep in mind the fields inside of a field group don't technically exist. We're generating pseudo fields to accomplish what it's currently doing now and CB Core Fields Ajax can't work with a field that doesn't exist.

2) question
a user should be able to start the first data set in a field group in the profile with frontend ajax (not with profile editing), therefor he needs a pencil under the tab with the field group, even with no data in the field group. At the moment a field group can be first filled with data only in profile editing, if one data set exists, more can be added with ajax frontend editing. Is that possible?

That's a matter of configuring empty field display and CB Core Fields Ajax correctly and not with CB Field Groups. Ensure you're not suppressing display of empty fields and if you are ensure within CB Core Fields Ajax under Integration tab you've supplied a Placeholder.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • ericmuc
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4 years 4 months ago #320881 by ericmuc
Replied by ericmuc on topic Question to group field

That's a matter of configuring empty field display and CB Core Fields Ajax correctly and not with CB Field Groups. Ensure you're not suppressing display of empty fields and if you are ensure within CB Core Fields Ajax under Integration tab you've supplied a Placeholder.

I have the field group and all the fields in that group enable ajax editing in frontend. Empty tabs and fields are enabled. Normal fields and tabs are shown empty. But not an empty field group. To start a new field group the user has to switch to the profile edit.

Is there a way, to start a field group in the frontend? Best would be that the user can start on his own. If this is really not possible, how can I get a sample fieldgroup at a new user automatically and empty (may be only one field has content, ins spite of all fields are set required)?

Thanks a lot, best regards

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  • krileon
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4 years 4 months ago #320885 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Question to group field
Ajax editing of fields inside of a field group is not possible. You have to ajax edit the entire field group. To do this edit the field group and under Integrations > CB Core Fields Ajax > Profile enable ajax editing. If you're suppressing empty fields then you need to set a Placeholder under Integrations > CB Core Fields Ajax > General. I don't know what else to suggest. This is working fine as shown below.

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
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4 years 4 months ago #320892 by ericmuc
Replied by ericmuc on topic Question to group field

"Placeholder" was it! I didn't knew that before. Thanks a lot, great.
Best regards
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4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #320896 by ericmuc
Replied by ericmuc on topic Question to group field

One more question I have hereto.

So now at the beginning a placeholder is shown in profile under the tab. Very good. And now the user can start fill in a first field group.

But what, if he want to delete this frist entry, so that nothing is shown anymore? I have most of the field set to require, so he cannot make all fields empty, but even this won't help.

A second entry can be deleted. For the frontend editing deletion also of the first would be helpful.

What can I do? Can I add an extra button for deletion (code, only for the first entry)?

Thanks, best regards
Last edit: 4 years 4 months ago by ericmuc.

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