So this topic was solved, but now I realized, that the query drop down field of the country is not possible to use with geofactory map. Here I need the country field for mapping the map address. Hereto the cb_country field must be a text field.
So how I can manage following:
I have in the profile edit the query drop down field for choosing the country. By saving the profile the mapping for the map is done by the geofactory cb plugin. So my idea is:
1) choosing the country in the query drop down field in the profile edit
2) immediatley after setting the value in the open edit form (without saving) the value must be copied into a country text field
3) by saving the profile the cb plugin for map mapping uses the text country field and creates the right lat/long pair for the map
How can I manage this?
Thanks, best regards
To have now a text field for the country (for working with the mapping)