I was looking to use Language Overrides to add a line break between the contents of a private message in an email and the auto message:
"NOTE: This email was automatically generated from..."
The reason is one of the email notices (i.e. You have a new private message), the Auto Generated Message is on the same line as the actual content of message, for example:
xxx has sent you a new private message.
How are you doing? NOTE: This email was automatically generated from...
To address this, I thought it would be easier to target EMAIL_NOTE_AUTOMATIC_GENERATION when adding this:
<br><br>NOTE: This email was automatically generated from [sitename] ([siteurl]).
It worked for the "
You have a new private message" and
"You have a new private message reply"
but not for any of the Connection emails (Request Accepted, Pending connection, etc). Those display the tags:
<br><br>NOTE: This email was automatically generated from...
I also tried "<br />" but that to did not work,
So, then I decided to just target FROM_HAS_SENT_MESSAGE, however it does not have the [message] substitution where I can add a line break after it.
Is there anything else I can try?