The last couple of days I have had a number of users complaining that they have paid, but their subscription was not activated in our site.
I checked and their PayPal payments
did come in ( so I activated them manually).
Was this an issue with CBsubs version before the latest? ( I just updated it today to 4.5.2+build.2021. )
Looked in the history, and saw a lot of
these the past several days :
Paypal: Fraud attempt or Paypal value mismatch detected by Paypal: : Error: return information didn't validate with paypal. Please tell sysadmin to enable IPN and PDT in his Paypal account.
Call trace:
called in class cbpaidHistory::logError() on line 570 in file cbpaidPayHandler.php
called in class cbpaidPayHandler::_setLogErrorMSG() on line 1464 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.paypal.php
called in class cbpaidpaypal::hanldePaypalIPN() on line 330 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.paypal.php
called in class cbpaidpaypal::handleReturn() on line 135 in file cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler.php
called in class cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler::resultNotification() on line 653 in file cbpaidControllerCBTab.php
called in class cbpaidControllerCBTab::getTabComponent() on line 1142 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.php
called in class getcbpaidsubscriptionsTab::getTabComponent() on line 91 in file cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php
called in class CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions::getCBpluginComponent() on line 880 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::call() on line 1436 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::_callTabPlugin() on line 1550 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::tabClassPluginTabs() on line 720 in file comprofiler.php
called in function tabClass() on line 274 in file comprofiler.php
IPN is enabled, but PDT was not (maybe never has been, unless something slipped in Paypal recently - nothing was changed with any cbsubs settings manually...)
I have enabled PDT now.
We are using the standard Paypal plugin ( not advanced or Pro)
I also notice a few of these:
Paypal: Error: Received following unknown result message from Paypal: 370: Sorry no response for your payment. Please check your email and status later.
Call trace:
called in class cbpaidHistory::logError() on line 570 in file cbpaidPayHandler.php
called in class cbpaidPayHandler::_setLogErrorMSG() on line 1617 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.paypal.php
called in class cbpaidpaypal::handlePaypalPDT() on line 332 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.paypal.php
called in class cbpaidpaypal::handleReturn() on line 135 in file cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler.php
called in class cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler::resultNotification() on line 653 in file cbpaidControllerCBTab.php
called in class cbpaidControllerCBTab::getTabComponent() on line 1142 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.php
called in class getcbpaidsubscriptionsTab::getTabComponent() on line 91 in file cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php
called in class CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions::getCBpluginComponent() on line 880 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::call() on line 1436 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::_callTabPlugin() on line 1550 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::tabClassPluginTabs() on line 720 in file comprofiler.php
called in function tabClass() on line 274 in file comprofiler.php
But I am assuming that's just a network error on the paypal side?
Any and all advice is appreciated, thanks!