You're rendering a tab that does belong in profile edit in profile edit. This is why you're having issues. You've a FORM element within a FORM element and that's not valid HTML which breaks the save. Specifically you're rendering the Profile Update Log in profile edit. Do not do this. If a tab doesn't have a profile edit display it does not belong there.
I've unpublished your cb_profile_update_log field and confirmed profile edit save works fine again. If you need to view a users update log in backend then I suggest using the profile update log page in backend specifically for that. If you want a field that sends you to the log you can pre-filter the page via a link to it. Example as follows.
Replace PLUGIN_ID with the plugin id of the CB Profile Update Logger plugin. In your case you'd use the following.
You can now just put this in some HTML to link to that users update log and it will pre-filter the backend view to that user. Example as follows.
<a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=editPlugin&action=showpulog&cid=544&pulogbrowser[filter_user]=[user_id]">Update Log</a>