I did not find the answer to this one in the forums
I need to have a dynamic string displaying the price which can vary like this :
'PLAN_AN_TEXT' => '<div class="text-justify p-2"><h1 class="text-center">ComActiv<br /><small>adhésion annuelle</small></h1><h2 class="text-center mt-3 mb-5">[PLAN_AN_PRICE]<small> ht/entreprise/mois</small></h2><p class="lead">Pour rendre vos campagnes de communication bla bla blas.</p><p>bla bla bla</div>',
where the string for the price is:
However it does not seem to work that way.
Could you tell me if it's doable ?
Also at the same time I'd like to have the price (which is paid annually) divided by 12 for the display. Is there any CB substitution which would allow to do
[cb:something= ¨PLAN_AN_PRICE / 12 /]
Any hint ?