Actually not so fine yet...
So the Plan has
Dates / CB Fields Comparisons
Following CB field
CB Field A (a query field)
Date B, Field B or Value B (Constant value or String)
Value B (e.g. 3)
Condition 1 (> for Dates) A>B
FIELD (query)
(SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(rev.`xml`, '[0-9]+')
FROM `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` AS sub, `#__vreview_review` AS rev
WHERE REGEXP_SUBSTR(rev.`xml`, '[0-9]+') = sub.`user_id`
Query seems to be working fine
Any idea?
EDIT: I had to go for a walk (under the rain) to realize that a basic query condition (AND rating) was missing! Please disregard...