Your SQL query syntax is not right. You can't use sub.'234' in the syntax.
Test your SQL query in a SQL tool, like PhpMyAdmin first, using a real user id. Once you get the result you want, replace the numeric user id you used to develop your query by [user_id] in CB Query Field.
I'm trying to understand what your query wants to achieve, and don't know this reviews component, nor its table, so it's guesswork, but my guess is that something like one of the following could work depending on what you want to achieve and the structure of the review table:
SELECT rev.`rating`
FROM `#__vreview_review` AS rev
JOIN `#__users` AS u ON rev.`page_title` = u.`username`
JOIN `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` AS sub ON REGEXP_SUBSTR(rev.`xml`, '[0-9]+') = sub.user_id
WHERE rev.`profileid` = [user_id]
AND u.`id` = sub.`user_id`
SELECT rev.`rating`
FROM `#__vreview_review` AS rev
JOIN `#__users` AS u ON rev.`page_title` = u.`username`
JOIN `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` AS sub ON REGEXP_SUBSTR(rev.`xml`, '[0-9]+') = sub.user_id
WHERE rev.`profileid` = 2
AND u.`id` = sub.`user_id`
AND u.`id` = [user_id]
Please ask the developer of the review component for help for the right query to get the result you want, we can't give support for third-party components.