Sorry, this may be a stupidly obvious answer, but I'm stumped.
- The client has an annual membership plan
- Their initial membership covers the remaining current year unless
- they join or renew after Oct 31, then their membership covers the following year
- renewals would extend their membership to cover the following year,
- unless made after Jan 1, then would cover that current year
So I have it configured as follows:
- Is the first amount and period different > Different first period and price for Registration only
- Initial validity duration > This calendar year
- Start date of first calendar year > 01/01
- Regular Validity duration > 1 year
- Renewable in advance by > 2 months
- Manual renewal extends expiration date as follows > Renewal starts at expiration date or at payment date - whichever happens last (allows free gap)
I didn't want someone to have to backpay missed time if they let their membership lapse, so if I paid in 2019, but lapsed for all of 2020, then renewed in 2021, my membership would be active for 2021.
Your help would be appreciated.