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New issue with CB field Query Drop down and CB Core field ajax Integration

  • activha
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2 years 11 months ago #328866 by activha
I have updated to all latest build as of today and got an issue with CB field Query Drop Down

We have this query
SELECT e.* FROM `#__groupjive_plugin_events` AS e JOIN `#__groupjive_plugin_events_attendance` AS a on a.`user_id` = '[user_id]' AND a.`event` = e.`id` JOIN `#__groupjive_groups` AS b ON b.`id` = e.`group` AND ( b.`category` = '13' OR b.`id` = '56' ) ORDER BY e.`params`ASC

When a user had no event or had not yet joined the mentioned group, we had a display of the field description text which explained what to do.

Since updating, the description is not added any longer in the ajax edition on the profile tab (whether inline or modal) and the field itself is no longer available in the profile edit tab

I don't know if it comes from the latest build or a previous one.

The field itself works fine for old users who had already joined groups and chosen events. The mentioned behavior only occurs for new registered users and occurs both in front end AND back end (field not available in backend !)

Could it be some thing with CB Groupjive ?

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  • krileon
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2 years 11 months ago #328867 by krileon
The query looks fine. What are the display parameters for the query field configured to? Sounds like it's getting an empty display output which is why the field wouldn't be visible.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • activha
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2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 11 months ago #328872 by activha
I have
Show on Profile : 1 line without title
Show on Registration : no
Show on Profile Edit : Yes, 1 line without title
Searchable : no
Required : no

and for CB Core Fields Ajax integration
Display : enable
Strict : disable
Access : registered
Output : inline

Placeholder : text
Additional fields : cb_marketreturn
Add fields titles: 1line without title
update on : nothing

I think it was working fine a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe an update in CB Core Ajax conflicts with the field info display ?

edit :
This is the description text that I use
<p>Sélectionne <a class="btn btn-info mt-1" href="pages/13-campagnes-marketing">une campagne active</a> pour ta prochaine activation ou <a class="btn btn-info mt-1" href="pages/10-activateurs/56-campagnes-souhaitées">une campagne souhaitée</a></p>

in the frontend html, the field is displayed with a hidden class :
<div class="hidden form-group row no-gutters sectiontableentry2 cbft_queryselect cbtt_select cb_form_line cbtwolinesfield" id="cbfr_408"><div class="cb_field col-sm-12"><div id="cbfv_408">....

Maybe the main CB config settings "show empty field" which has changed recently for CB query field ??
Last edit: 2 years 11 months ago by activha.

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  • krileon
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2 years 11 months ago #328882 by krileon
The query is resulting in no results. This means the options list for the select field is empty. When this happens the field is hidden, because it's a completely unusable select field. Will add a parameter to let you turn this behavior off.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • activha
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2 years 11 months ago #328883 by activha
Thanks a lot
That’s great to provide explanations for the user

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  • krileon
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2 years 11 months ago #328884 by krileon
It might actually be better to just add a Custom HTML field below your query select field then use CB Conditional with a Query condition to check if they've joined any events. You can then use all the features of a Custom HTML field to display whatever notice you need. Would this be an acceptable solution?

An option to show empty query select just doesn't make any real sense as it's not a usable field and I've concerns it being there would just add a parameter to confuse people.

Kyle (Krileon)
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