thanks for your answer, and sorry that I have bothered you : in fact it was my mistake. As you said I deactivated "CBSubs AcyMailing" and "AcyMailing CB integration" plugins, and test withtout and with them separatly, then I understood it came from "CBSubs AcyMailing". And after a while I realized than last week I destroyed an Acymailing User list - it then broke the connection between CBSubs Subscriptions and Acymailing lists.
I should have changed Acyamiling rules in CBsubs plans Integration settings, which I didn't do correctly. It is now fixed and back to normal.
So, FYI if my mystake can be helpfull for the next one : the SQL message
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (` databasename `.`#__acym_user_has_list`, CONSTRAINT `fk_#__acym_user_has_list2` FOREIGN KEY (`list_id`) REFERENCES `#__acym_list` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)
is thrown because a list which was previously assigned to a CBSubs plan subscription is now missing.
You just have to reassign acymailing lists in each plan setting and it is done.