On all userlists we have created in CB, the end user can search someone based on their country and state/province. The state/province field auto-populates based on what the user picks for country. When the user picks USA, then picks a state, the state variable is passed along. But any other country, and the state variable is not passed along.
Here is the resulting URL generated when Australia/Queensland is picked: /test-list?cb_country=AU
Here is the resulting URL generated when USA/Alaska is picked: /test-list?cb_country=USA&cb_state=AK
The HTML code generated for the state/province dropdown list for all countries looks valid. Here's Canada:
<select name="cb_state" id="cb_state" class="cbTooltip form-control" data-cbtooltip-tooltip="<p>Province/State of residence</p>" data-cbtooltip-title="Province/State:" data-hasqtip="3">
<option value="" id="cb_state__cbf0">No preference</option>
<option value="AB" id="cb_state__cbf1">Alberta</option>
<option value="BC" id="cb_state__cbf2">British Columbia</option>
and here's USA:
<select name="cb_state" id="cb_state" class="cbTooltip form-control" data-cbtooltip-tooltip="<p>Province/State of residence</p>" data-cbtooltip-title="Province/State:" data-hasqtip="7">
<option value="" id="cb_state__cbf0">No preference</option>
<option value="AK" id="cb_state__cbf1">Alaska</option>
<option value="AL" id="cb_state__cbf2">Alabama</option>
<option value="AR" id="cb_state__cbf3">Arkansas</option>
I've checked the cb_country and cb_state fields to make sure they are populating correctly. I also changed the order the countries appear in the dropdown to see if that had any effect, and it didn't. Any ideas?