Hi, a quick two-part question on creating docs for the user to download.
I want to take some of the details from their registration form and create a downloadable document using auto-action. From the user's point of view, I'd like to have a doc image with two buttons below one that will show the document and one to print the document should they wish.
Part 1. Could anyone recommend the best way to create the document from an HTML template? So perhaps a javascript library that works well with Joomla and Community Builder or a better way if I'm barking up the wrong tree, I don't want someone to do the work for me just point me in the right direction. I also need to create a unique client code for each doc.
Part 2. Do I pair the auto action with a field in a tab? Obviously, the client needs to be able to see and have access to it when they're logged in.
Any help would be much appreciated.