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Outside of the field group? No. You'd need to use PHP to process the JSON and count the array result. If this doesn't need to be stored in the database the easiest way to do this is with a Code field.1. Is there a way to count the number of field groups a user has created?
We don't keep track of individual field modified dates. You'd need to implement that yourself using a date field and CB Auto Actions to update the date field based off whatever field you want to monitor changing values. You can use the below to perform any auto action on field value change.2. How can I use lastupdatedate to get the last modified date of a field rather than the profile?
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AA->Conditions checks var1 and var3 of the FIELD_NAME based " onAfterUserUpdate" which I suppose it means that the field has been updated in case they are not equal . Further I need the DATE_FIELD in AA->Action to get Date('now'). I have enabled "Format Functions" and used Value-> [cb:parse function="date" date-format="d/m/Y"]now[/cb:parse]. I have also checked that the DATE_FIELD Parameters->Display->EditDisplay->Custom and Custom date edit format->d/m/Y and Ajax Updateon FIELD_NAME, but the DATE_FIELD does not update with current date.We don't keep track of individual field modified dates. You'd need to implement that yourself using a date field and CB Auto Actions to update the date field based off whatever field you want to monitor changing values. You can use the below to perform any auto action on field value change.
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