I have a last question on this autoaction. The decrypt is made by
No triggers
User : code
Code :
global $_CB_framework;
$decryptedValue = (int) (new \Joomla\CMS\Encrypt\Aes($_CB_framework->getCfg('secret') . ':a2xdt7zx'))->decryptString('[get_token]');
if ($decryptedValue === null || $decryptedValue === 0) {
return 1444;
} else {
return $decryptedValue;
Conditions : active subscriptions for plans A & B
Action : PHP include (JPATH_ROOT.'/myfolder/file.php');
Output : return
Reference : var1
This works fine to display file.php and get the user data on an external website.
But when displaying the same file.php on our own website, it seems that the correct user is not retrieved.
To cope with this, I'd like to pass the user_id got by the autoaction in my code. However, if I access [var1_id] this is the id of the user visiting the page, not the user of the autoaction.
How can I get the user retrieved by the autoaction and pass it to my code ?
II remember that you have a way to send the autoaction data now but cannot retrieve the doc
Thanks for this final answer on this subject I hope