No error messages in notifications or history logsCheck the notification for their renewal in CBSubs > Notifications and for any errors during the renewal in CBSubs > History Log. It's hard to say what could have gone wrong as we've massively updated the Stripe gateway since then to their latest APIs and guidelines.
I'll wait to do any of this until you've had a chance to look at the backend. I'll DM you shortly with the credentials. Thanks!As for forcing a subscription back into an auto recurring state edit it from CBSubs > Subscriptions by clicking the # under the ID column. Next set the following.
Autorenew Type: Mandatory
Autorecurring Type: Autorecurring with notifications
Previous Autorecurring Type: Not autorecurring
You can also reactive it from here as well by setting the following.
Status: Active
Previous Status: Expired
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It's strictly to allow Stripe to let CBSubs know state changes of user subscriptions and payment status. So for example when a subscription renews it will tell CBSubs that it renewed. If a payment is pending then it will tell CBSubs when the payment is successful. It's important, but for single payments 99% of the time you'll be fine and don't need webhooks, but it's still a good idea to configure them.1. Just so I better understand. The webhook function is what syncs the user data on the site to Stripe.
Yes, you only need to select the notifications listed in CBSubs Stripe. It won't do any harm to CBSubs if you select all events as we just ignore the ones we don't process, but Stripe would be unnecessarily communicating with your site by doing that.2. I should only select the events noted in my backend (shown below) rather than "all events". Is that correct? Along those lines, I only see "customer.subscription.deleted" - should this cover me for when memberships renew by recurring payment or do I need to look at other events?
If those 3 users are already broken you need to fix their subscriptions as instructed earlier and then yes renewals should work fine.3. Once the webhook is set up properly, will it find the 3 users that were not synced to Stripe or do I still need to manually activate them this year, but come next year it should sync up again?
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I can definitely see that compared to other solutions out there. Happy to see it evolve the way it has! CBSubs rocks! Highly configurable and a solid solution!A LOT of work has gone into making Stripe our most robust gateway to date.
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