The import feature has several ways to import. You can supply a list of user ids for example if there's just a few you know need to be moved, but yes the alternative is to edit them in CB > User Management.
I'll have to make a note of that for next time. I ended up manually moving the expired members to the free plan, with the exception of one (more on that below). The import function did not end up working.
So I have one user who signed up for a free plan, upgrade about a month later, then renewed once it expired:
-Signed up for a free plan. March 31, 2022
-Upgraded April 18, 2022. (Expires June 30, 2022) - Memberships are July 1 - June 30 annually
-Renewed June 29, 2022 (Calendar expiry date)
-Expired June 30, 2023. (Did not renew)
So the only option in their profile is to reactivate the paid plan. The Free plan option shows up just underneath, but it has a red x beside it so I cannot select it.
1. The Free Plan from his profile (it appears just below the option to reactivate the expired paid plan instead of under the "upgrade possibilities below" led me to believe he is subscribed to both - What happens if I delete the free plan from his profile. Will it appear below the upgrade possibilities where I can select it?
2. This is the only user this has happened to and there were others who signed up for a free plan and later upgraded and subsequently expired. Is there some setting that I have overlooked to cause this for the one user? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with not being allowed to be in more than one plan at at time, but as said - this has only happened to the one user.