I have the CB now working correctly installed the plugin Gallery - Tab and when I enter the profile me the following error:
Warning: main (/ home / arttela / public_html / components / com_joomgallery / classes / interface.class.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in / home / arttela / public_html / components / com_comprofiler / plugin / user / plug_gallery-tab / cb.gallerytab.php on line 91
Warning: main () [function.include]: Failed opening '/ home / arttela / public_html / components / com_joomgallery / classes / interface.class.php' for inclusion (include_path ='. usr / lib / php: / usr / local / lib / php ') in / home / arttela / public_html / components / com_comprofiler / plugin / user / plug_gallery-tab / cb.gallerytab.php on line 91
Fatal error: Class 'joominterface' not found in / home / arttela / public_html / components / com_comprofiler / plugin / user / plug_gallery-tab / cb.gallerytab.php on line 92
This happens throughout the galleries of images q try to install.