I just finished up my first CB plugin, and it seems to work alright. It simply adds a user tab allowing the display of public bookmarks on their spurl.net account. I still have a few things to clean up on it, so I probably won't have it up for d/l 'till later tonight, but you can check it out on illperipherals.net. currently, myself, and the user vicodan have bookmarks loaded up. feel free to check it out and give any feedback.
I just finished up my first CB plugin, and it seems to work alright. It simply adds a user tab allowing the display of public bookmarks on their spurl.net account. I still have a few things to clean up on it, so I probably won't have it up for d/l 'till later tonight, but you can check it out on illperipherals.net. currently, myself, and the user vicodan have bookmarks loaded up. feel free to check it out and give any feedback.
I'm interested in this, will you be posting it at any time?
It is all finished save for the css additions. As it stands, you must add a bit of css to your template_css.css file. I'd like to integrate that into the plugin. I've gotten a bit caught up in some other work as of late but can put it up if you would like to take a look at it.