My plug-in adds a username generator button under the username field on registration.
Basically my plug-in just outputs this jQuery
$('#username').after('<br><input type="button" id="generator" value="Generate Username"/>');
$.post("/home/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_registration2/ajax.php",{ajax : "getUsername"}, function(data){
Now that seems to work, but I always get "Direct Access to this location is not allowed" or errors like $mainframe doesnt exist or could not import some cb class.
// Security
if (!isset($_POST) && isset($_POST) == 'getIDKey') {
die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
// Set flag that this is a parent file
define('_VALID_MOS', 1);
/* ## Emulating Joomla environment */
require_once( '../../../../../configuration.php' );
* Try Include CB Framework
global $_CB_framework, $mainframe;
if (defined('JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR')) {
if (!file_exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_comprofiler/')) {
echo 'CB not installed!';
include_once( JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_comprofiler/' );
} else {
if (!file_exists($mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/')) {
echo 'CB not installed!';