I am trying to write my own CB Plugin. I was able to implement the Users Profile Page (getDisplayTab) and also the userEditTab. What I want is the user to change some information in the userEditTab and save it. The data should not be stored in the #__comprofiler table, I want it to be stored in an own table (because I need many fields (which are generated dynamically).
Unfortunately, I don't know how to save the data from the form (in the userEditTab) after the user clicks on the button to save. (clearly in an ordinary form I would know,...)
In this forum I read a post (from Mikko) which told me the following:
"Easiest way to save data in a custom way is by using the onBeforeUserUpdate and modufy teh row and rowExtras variables that are passed to CBs funcion that acutally modifys the values in the DB."
I don't know how to do this, and the search didn't helped me.