I'm looking for something to add hiscores to a users profile. I already know about and use the flashgames plugin to display a users game hi scores, but this is different.
My site runs competitions, quizes and online gaming tournaments. We set a scoring system for each competition and then each user is awarded a score at the end and this is added to each members total overall score.
What I want is the ability to attach a score to each users profile that can easily be updated, and for the members with hiscores to be automatically updated in a league table showing the highest scoring member and where everyone else stands in the table.
Is there any plugin for CB that has any features like this? And if no are there any Joomla based component/modules that could do this that anyone could recommend?
Otherwise is my only option to try and get something like this working using Facileforms?
JAwards might be of use to you...though you'll have some extra work to do for displaying list of highest scorers or whatever you want to do with the data.
JAwards has a lot of potential, but it's very early in development...a tiny CB plugin.