Users who subscribe to a mailing list during registration will receive mailings from that list even before their registration is approved, and they will receive mailings even after they are rejected by admins unless their account is deleted. Admins may not wish to delete rejected user accounts to prevent them from re-registering with the same email address under a different name/address.
This is a problem for CB users who value the additional control it gives them over user registration. If you are trying to limit registered users based on their registration details (e.g., age, geographic location, etc.), this is important. E.g., a political or community site with a geographically defined constituent base that you want to confine your registered users to. Someone who really wants to sneak in can do so, but most people you don;t want to admit to registered status can be weeded out.
yet how do you have users opt for a newsletter at the time they register? the yanc newsletter option usually is not available at the time they register...