I installed Yanc 1.4.b on CB 1.0.1 and enabled yanc plugin in the CB settings. Unfortunatelly something does not work.
When a person clicks a tab with the newsletter - it is displayed properly. After he/she selects a newsletter (I have only one) - the person ist registered in jos_newsletter_subscribers table but WITHOUT email address. The field is empty in the database. Does anyone knows what is happening?
This situation causes that the person does not receive confirmation email and cannot activate account, but I can see all details of this person (except email address) in the yanc subscriber list. Please help! The situation repeats in 100% of cases.
If the userid column is not zero then the email address is empty in this table (it takes the email address from the jos_users table).
So in my book it is operating ok.
Unfortunatelly NOT.
For the users that are registering for a newsletter from "my profile page" the userID is non-zero (I agree), but they are not receiving "good bye" memo when they are unsubscribing. Moreover when they unsubscribe using the link provided in the welcome email - they are redirected to a page that has empty field with email address. For those with defined email address - the address is filled on the "unsubscribe" page. Even after they fill the address and click "unsubscribe" - they are not deleted from the list and they do not receive "good bye" email.