I'm using mamblog. Of cours the tab in my cb profile says "blog". I want to change the name to "journal". I can't figure out how to do it in the admin.
From the administrator menu, go to Components > Community Builder > Tab Management.
In the tab list, click on "Blog"
The "title" will show up on a default installation as _UE_BLOGTAB.
(This is just a placeholder for a static variable picked up from Community Builder's default language file--but you don't need to use it if you don't want to.)
Change this field to "Journal".
Click save in the upper right.
That's it.
Another way to change it in the global variable is to open up the file using Joomlaxplorer (if you have it installed), and change the value of _UE_BLOGTAB in the language file, found in
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Construction Lounge: Online resource and networking portal for the construction and remodeling industries.