pepperstreet wrote: You might create a userlist with all desired information.
You can append the following variables to any URL. Also, you should open the URL/menuitem in a new window...
this will show the component area. So, you don´t have to hide 90% of the unwanted site parts with CSS
I guess, this will also use the special print CSS file.
I still suggest this approach. Its not so difficult. And it also applies to single profiles. Just follow the previous URL scheme, and append the parameters to the Profile URL.
A.) If you use many tabs... you have to add the nessecary CSS to your print.CSS file. Set display property of your tabs from "hidden" back to "block". A little drawback is, that the H3 headlines are above all tabs... you might hide them, if they are not so important.
B.) A total custom layout for your Print-Profile: Just create a special J! article... and make use of CB Content Bot. Then design and place your Tabs and fields as you need them! More work, but in regards of layout, you will get total freedom.
thanks for the input. I think I will have a look at ContenBot, since it looks like, despite being more work, the easier way for me to create a page with the look that I want to incorporate.