well i did a quick search on the forums here and on the intarweb and didn't turn up anything about CB integration with osCommerce.
I have experience in the past with moscommerce, and I see joscommerce is underway, however I always found them a bit clunky and never tried to do a CB integration on top of one of them.
I am currently happily running a test site with:
Joomla 1.0.5
phpBB 2.0.19
phpBB connector
and would love to be able to add osCommerce to the list integrated seamlessly with the CB registration/login as phpBB is now.
Failing anyone actually coming forward to tell me it has been done, or that they are working on it, I suppose I could knuckle down to do it myself. However, I have little time as it is so it would probably take me donkeys years to complete it. The whole cms/php/mysql stuff is secondary to my primary job of running a .NET coding shop.