I've been trying to get this plugin working but when I went to plugin control panel after installing CB and the phpconnector and I received this message:
SQL errorDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'suffermambo.users' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count( * ) as total_record FROM users WHERE user_active = '1'
SELECT count( * ) as total_record FROM users WHERE user_active = '1'
To which I presume is because I have seperate databases and it's looking at the wrong one. I'm intermediate with SQL so go easy
Currently the phpBB Connector is setup to have phpBB and Joomla in the same database. We have future plans to make it work in a seperate database but not sure when that will happen... That may wait until Joomla 1.1 comes out supporting multiple databases.
The prefix looks like it says "suffermambo." In you config.php file it should have a line like
$table_prefix = 'phpbb_';
it appears that your line says
$table_prefix = 'sufermambo.';
Don't know where you can see this from phpBB excpet for looking at the php file itself.
If your not sure if they are on the same database you might be able to check with phpMyAdmin or a program similar.
Not sure I answered your question unless it was the question about seperate databases... so repost if I didn't answer your question..
I've performed my installation and hit the same problem since I didn't know everything had to be on one database before setting everything up.
I've got everything set up with phpbb in /forum but running on a seperate database. Is there an easy way using myPHPAdmin to download my phpbb database then merge it into my Joomla database to make the bridge work? If I do what changes would I have to make to phpbb too?