The function you are looking for looks something like this when cleaned up. Note we don't use this function it is just taken straight from the old code and cleaned up.
function uhpadmin_addallusers($option)
global $database, $my, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site;
$lists = array();
$where = array();
$where[] = " is NULL ";
$database -> setQuery("SELECT h.* FROM #__users as h" . "\nLEFT JOIN #__uhp as u ON u.user_id ="
. (count($where) ? "\nWHERE "
. implode(' AND ', $where) : ""«») );
if (!($users = $database -> loadObjectList()))
mosRedirect("index2.php?option=$option", 'Access granted to all users.');
Director/Solutions Architect of Australian Quality Solutions Group (
Founder of josCommunity (
Founder of CCHSStudent (
Community Builder 3rd Party Developer
PAXXGallery Developer
When you get a cron script or something working just give us ahoy and hopefully we'll be able to use it with the new User Home Pages
Director/Solutions Architect of Australian Quality Solutions Group (
Founder of josCommunity (
Founder of CCHSStudent (
Community Builder 3rd Party Developer
PAXXGallery Developer
We are releasing a new User Home Pages component that intergrates with CB and UDDEim soon.
Minimum Requirements are:
Joomla 1.0.7
Can be extended using:
Community Builder
UDDEim 0.5
We are looking for 50 users who have had experience with CB and preferably some coding experience to beta test our new component and pick out any bugs in the code (possibly provide a solution) to help us better the component.
Please PM me if you are interested and just list your level of experience with Joomla/CB and coding ability.
Hurry we've already signed up 9 people.
NOTE: Applying more than once will forfeit your application.
Director/Solutions Architect of Australian Quality Solutions Group (
Founder of josCommunity (
Founder of CCHSStudent (
Community Builder 3rd Party Developer
PAXXGallery Developer