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Help! Plugin Nametags Joomgallery

  • xhattr
  • xhattr
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16 years 2 months ago #70936 by xhattr
Help! Plugin Nametags Joomgallery was created by xhattr
Hi, i'm working on a plugin to display on your profile page on how many pictures your nametag is on, and wich pictures. I want to display a list with thumbs and the categorie (thumb must be linked with the original picture in joomgallery)

i already have this:

class getGalleryTagsTab extends cbTabHandler {
function getGalleryTagsTab() {
* Creates and returns the header of the Gallery tab
* conatining No. of images, and upload-link if configured
function getHeader($user, $total, $Itemid, $gallery){
$return = "<p><strong>$user->username</strong>";

if (intval($total) == 0){
$return.=" staat op geen enkele foto.";

else {
$return.= " staat op <strong>". $total ."</strong> foto\'s.";

$return.= "</p>";
return $return;
* Helper function from Ponygallery, creates the path for categories
function ShowCategoryPath ($cat,$db_catg){
global $database;
$cat=intval( $cat );
while ( $parent_id ){
// read name and parent_id
$query="select * from $db_catg where cid=$cat";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$parent_id=@mysql_result( $result, 0, 'parent' );
$name=@mysql_result( $result, 0, 'name' );
// write path
if ( empty( $path ) ) {
else {
$path=$name . ' &gt; ' . $path;
// next looping
return $path . " ";

* Helper function, loads the right language
function includeLang($gallery_absolute_path, $mosConfig_lang){
if (file_exists($gallery_absolute_path."/language/".$mosConfig_lang.".php"«»))


* Main function, displays the Gallery-Tab in Community Builder
function getDisplayTab($tab,$user,$ui) {

global $database,$mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $my,
$ag_paththumbs, $mosConfig_lang, $ag_showdetail, $ag_perpage, $ag_showrating, $ag_showcomment;

$pony_config_path =$mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/joomgallery.config.php";
//$ponyml_javascript = $mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_ponygallery/config.ponygallery.php";

define( '_PONY_PARENT_MODULE', "1" );
$gallery_absolute_path = $mosConfig_absolute_path."/components/com_joomgallery/";
require($pony_config_path); // config and language before Javascript needed
$this->includeLang($gallery_absolute_path, $mosConfig_lang);
require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_joomgallery/joomgallery.class.php" );

$thumbnailpath=$mosConfig_live_site . $ag_paththumbs . "/";

$showdetail = $ag_showdetail;
$showrating = $ag_showrating;
$showcomment = $ag_showcomment;
$picsNumber = $ag_perpage;

$db_name = "#__joomgallery";
$db_cmt_name = "#__joomgallery_comments";
$db_catg_name = "#__joomgallery_catg";

$uid=intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, "uid", 0 ) );
$params = $this->params;

// ItemId for Ponygallery-Links

$database->setQuery("select id from #__menu where link like '%com_joomgallery%'"«»);
if ($Itemid == '' || $Itemid == NULL)
$Itemid = "";
$Itemid = "&amp;Itemid=$Itemid";

$return=""; //String to return for output
if($tab->description != null)
$return .= "\t\t<div class=\"tab_Description\">".unHtmlspecialchars(getLangDefinition($tab->description))."</div>\n";

// Determine # of pics for pagination
$database->setQuery("SELECT count(id) FROM $db_name as a, #__joomgallery_nameshields as b "
. "\n WHERE a.published = '1'"
. "\n AND b.nuserid = '$user->user_id'"
. "\n AND = b.npicid"
. "\n AND a.approved = 1"«»);


// Hide tab if no pics and it is configured to hide:
if (($total==0) && ($params->get('showEmptyTab','0')==0))
return null;

// Pagination:
$picsperpage = $params->get('picsperpage','0');
if ($picsperpage)
$picsNumber = $picsperpage;

$pagingParams = $this->_getPaging(array(),array("gallerytagstab_"«»));
if ($pagingParams["gallerytagstab_limitstart"] === null)
$pagingParams["gallerytagstab_limitstart"] = "0";
if ($picsNumber > $total)
$pagingParams["gallerytagstab_limitstart"] = "0";

// Include Header (Information) on first page:
if ($pagingParams["gallerytagstab_limitstart"] == "0"«»)
$return .= $this->getHeader($user, $total, $Itemid, $gallery_version);

// Start of pics table:
$return.= "<table class=\"gallerytabs_table\" width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='4'>";

// Order images by:
$sortby=$database->getEscaped($params->get('sortBy','catid ASC'));

$query = "SELECT *";
if ($sortby =="rating"«»)
$query .= ", ROUND(a.imgvotesum/a.imgvotes, 2) as rating";

$query .= " FROM $db_name as a, #__joomgallery_nameshields as b "
. "\n WHERE a.published = '1' " . " AND a.approved = 1"
. "\n AND b.nuserid = '$user->user_id'"
. "\n AND = b.npicid";
if ($sortby =="rating"«»)
$query .= "\n ORDER BY rating DESC";
$query .= "\n ORDER BY ".$sortby;

$query .= "\n LIMIT ".($pagingParams["gallerytagstab_limitstart"]?$pagingParams["gallerytagstab_limitstart"]:"0"«»).",".$picsNumber;

if (! $rows=$database->loadObjectList());

$return.= "<tr>";

foreach ( $rows as $row1 ){
if ( ($rowcounter % 3 == 0) AND ($rowcounter <> 0) )

$link = "openimage($ag_detailpic_open, $row1->id, $row1->imgfilename, $row1->imgtitle,$row1->imgtext)";

$return.= "<td width='34%' align='center' valign='bottom'>";
$return.= "<a href=\"$link\">"
."<img src='$thumbnailpath$row1->imgthumbname' border='0' title='$row1->imgtext'>"
."</a><br />";
$return .= "<b>$row1->imgtitle</b>";

// Display Category path:
if ($params->get('showCategory','1')==1){
$Category = $this->ShowCategoryPath($row1->catid, $db_catg_name);
$return .= "<br /> $Category";

// Display Details and rating:
if ($showdetail )
$return.= "<br />".(($gallery_version =="joom"«»)? _JOOMGALLERY_HITS: _JOOMGALLERY_HITS).": $row1->imgcounter";
if ( $showrating ){
if ( $row1->imgvotes > 0 ){
$fimgvotesum=number_format( $row1->imgvotesum / $row1->imgvotes, 2, ",", "." );
$frating="$fimgvotesum ($row1->imgvotes Votes)";
else {

$return.="<br />".( _JOOMGALLERY_RATING).": $frating";

// Comments:
if ( $showcomment ){

// Check how many comments exist
$database->setQuery( "SELECT cmtid FROM $db_cmt_name WHERE cmtpic='$row1->id'" );
$comments=mysql_num_rows( $comments_result );
$return.= "<br />".( _JOOMGALLERY_COMMENT) .": $comments";

$return.= "</td>";

if ( $rowcounter % 3 <> 0 ){
for ( $i=1; $i <= (3 - ($rowcounter % 3)); $i++ ) {
$return.= "<td width='34%' valign='top'> </td>";

$return.= "</tr></table>";

// Pagination, if configured to show:
$showPagination = ($params->get('pagination','1')=='1');
if ($showPagination &&($picsNumber < $total)) {
$return .= "<div style='width:95%;text-align:center;'>"

return $return;

The problem is, i have the category, but i cant get the thumbnail work... Does somebody can help me?

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