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Hi everybody,
I'm just trying to understand the basic plug-in techniques in order to be able to write my own plug-in soon. In the moment I am a little bit confused about the basic program flow. For example the cb.mamblogtab.xml specifies a getAuthorTab to be used, but in the corresponding cb.mamblogtab.php there is only a class getBlogTab defined.Where do I find the connection?
Although I've read the "plugin Framework API" (maybe not often enough?) I did not really understand, which interfaces need to be implemented and where the plugins connect to the existing CB framework.
I hope that someone can show me the missing link, so that I can contribute my plugin soon...
Thank you and enjoy your day,
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As already said, the class attribute in the XML file is very relevant at install time... This info is then stored in the comprofiler_plugin table. You can see that the entry is correct there also for the blog tab1.
In my plugin's *.php file I need to overload the cbTabHandler::getDisplayTab() function. Who or which class does call this function? And on which event? And how does CB know which class to use, if the class Attribute in the XML file is irrelevant?
The MyClass::getDisplayTab() function will draw the CONTENT to be displayed in a tab. But where can I define that an enclosing tab is drawn?
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I just saw my first Tab:cheer: ! Thank you very much for your help!
But just to better understand the system, could you please tell me which classes are responsible for finding registered tabs and content (meaning classes derived from cbTabHandler) from the comprofiler_plugin table?
Thank you again,
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