I wonder if anyone can tell me what this means. I'm trying to install my user list in the Community Builder addon for Joomla using a phpbb plugin and I get this:
SQL errorDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'mozmorr_joom1.phpbb_users' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count( * ) as total_record FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_active = '1'
SELECT count( * ) as total_record FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_active = '1'
From the error message I gather that you have phpBB installed in a seperate database from Joomla...
Take a peek at the README doc or pdf in the ZIP file. I think it will answer a few of your questions.
Also, could you post a copy of what your server setup is. At some point in the future we will try to tackle multiple databases and I would like to recreate the issue to see what solutions we can come up with.
Server Info like:
Apache 1.x.x
php 4.x.x
MySql 4.x.x
Joomla installed on site : jxx.xx.xx database (no usernames/passwords please)
phpBB installed on site : pxx.xx.xx database (no usernames/passwords please)
You can also PM me the info if you feel more secure about that... Thanks