Hi All,
I have created a plugin adding a Game Play rules checkbox to my registration page. This works fine! I have however, been unable to work how to save the users response to the database.
From reading the plugin documentation I am guessing I should use saveRegistrationTab or should the system do it for me?
In the XML file I have created a field under the tabs section. In the TAB class I am showing a checkbox with the same name as the field - what else needs ot be done to link the two?
XML file is:
<filename plugin="extra_regofields">extra_regofields.php</filename>
<param name="RulesURL" type="text" size="40" default="Game Play Rules" label="Game Rules URL" description="URL of Game Play rules" />
<tab name="Extra Rego Fields" description="Extra registration fields" class="getExtraRegoTab" fields="0">
<field title="Accepted Game Play Rules" name="cb_acceptedrules" description="Did you accept the game play rules" type="checkbox" registration="0" profile="0" readonly="1" params="" />
And the code in the plugin file is (comments removed for brevity):
class getExtraRegoTab extends cbTabHandler {
function getExtraRegoTab() {
function getDisplayRegistration($tab, $user, $ui) {
global $my, $mosConfig_absolute_path;
$return .= "\t<tr><td class='titleCell'> </td><td class='fieldCell' id='newslettersSpacer'> </td></tr>\n";
$return = "\t<tr>\n";
$return .= "\t\t<td class='titleCell'></td>\n";
$return .= "\t\t<td class='fieldCell'>";
$return .= "<input type='checkbox' name='cb_acceptedrules' value='1' mosReq='0' mosLabel='Accept Game Play Rules' /> ";
$return .= sprintf("Accept %sGame Play Rules%s","<a href='".sefRelToAbs($RulesURL)."' target='_BLANK'> ","</a>");
$return .= "</td>";
$return .= "\t</tr>\n";
$this->_addValidationJS( "\tif (!me.checked) {\n"
."\t errorMSG +
"You must accept the Game Play rules before registering!\\n\"\n"
."\t iserror=1;\n"
return $return;
function saveRegistrationTab($tab, $user, $ui, $postdata) {
} // end class getExtraRegoTab.