I wanted to know if it would be hard to change the authorbot or similar module to display the username of the person you are in a relationship with, so that the username redirects you to the relevant user page when clicked... so that people can enter the username of their significant other, and have it recognized by the system much like the authorbot does with articles.
Let's say there is a form field in a user's profile where they can add the username of their significant other... and then have the name of their significant other show up in their profile, with a hyperlink to their page...
I brought up the authorbot mod because it recognized the username and automatically hyperlinked it, so I didn't know if it could be slightly modded to do this.
OK, I see. I'm not sure how you would accomplish that. I know that it is possible, but I don't know the CB Plugin API well enough to tell you for sure.
Maybe someone who is more of an expert could tell us