After several agitating hours of trying to install this suite without success I am now posting here.
Yes I have looked all over the forums. Yes I have read the poorly written documentation. Yes I have unzipped the folder first. Yes I have made sure ftp layer is disabled in the config AND backend. Yes the install is a FRESH default install. Yes installation of CB was attempted as first thing to ever be installed.
Now on to the problem. fails to install on Byethost. without fail. Now, your documentation starts to go through things in some detail until it actually gets to the part of installing the component. Where it fails in instruction is that once the files are extracted to com_installer the instructions are not clear enough that it is either to be placed in /com_installer/"component"/cb or just /com_installer/cb. Next of all there, say if you had problems installing virtuemart, you upload the expert files then run the install script by simply running an added url statment to start the component install. There are not even examples of how this would be accompolished.
Everyone says on almost EVERY post on this problem to ready the documentation. Well, I wouldnt be here asking if the documentation was a little more complete.
In most refrences and in the documentation it says to try multiple things. first upload to com_installer and run from the extension manager. Really?.... Well first SOMETHING has to be started to be even shown there to run in the first place.. so once again starting the install script or launching the sql to even be installed has to be started somehow. Unless we are just supposed to know that we now should go to our phpadmin and execute the script in the db which I havent done yet.
I can tell you this is just a repeated problem that I have come across this suite over the last few years. Most simply fixable by the FTP layer suggestion so thats not the case this time, and the folders are unzipped and individual things uploaded.
Now on the the expert install instructions. Quite basically.... upload files, read step 11 (or is it 3) in new install txt, which moves back to intalling com_comprofiler. which fails to install...
see where im going with this? I would happily give backend access since the work thats done would only take another 2 hours to do again, I'd even be willing to make sure the host is wiped clean and a fresh clean install in place. I've also done that 3 times already before posting here. So im quite frustrated and very sorry if I seems a little crass.
Help other than "read the documentation" would be greatly appreciated.