I am using CB 1.3.1 and Joomla 1.5.22. I also have the Onyx template from Joomlashack.
I understand there is no support for third party templates, but I'm interested to know if my issue is template related or CB related, and of course, if there is anyone who can help. It's got to be an easy CSS fix somewhere.
Problem: Custom drop down fields and multi-select fields created and used during registration show differently, depending on the browser.
With IE8, I see only the drop down arrow - but no field data. With Chrome, I see drop down field data, but no arrow. With Firefox, I see both. The displays show the same way when editing user profiles.
Note: Standard select boxes work just fine in this template when used as straight HTML in an article. It only happens with CB profile and registration fields. Multi-select fields also show funky.
If things work with default Joomla template then issue is clearly template related.
Since the template is commercial you should ask them to fix it for you.
I believe all templates should be tested with CB by the template providers before they release them.
Thank you Nick, and I completely agree and understand. I'm working a forum request at their end as well. Doesn't hurt to try multiple sources. You never know who may have a similar setup and issue.