Hi,say I have a list of 100 students. Each of them have a tab called Subjects. Under Subjects, there are many fields, for example, English, Math, History etc...
As a teacher, I would like to put their exam results into their profile page. Yes, is can be done, if I insert the data one by one for every students.
My question is, can I use sql insertion and pun into CB MySql database so, that I can put all exam results of all 100 users with ease? Maybe using MS Excel and imported into mysql database...
For example,
Student 1 :
English :80
Math : 90
History : 70
Student 2 :
English : 70
Math : 100
History : 65
Student 3 .... etc.
Any idea how to write the database to be inserted into the CB database? (Assuming that all the subjects fields have been created).