I was using CB 1.1.0 on a website (on Joomla 1.0x), which i am upgarding to Joomla 1.5.22 .
The CB needs to be upgradedto the latest version.
How do i do it.
I tried some things, but it did not work out.
I exported the comprofiler database tables and user table in sql format. Installed Joomla 1.5.22 on another directory and then imported this data into the database.
Then I installed CB 1.3.1
I am unable to see the old data anywhere inside Joomla. he user mngt list shows only the super adminsitrator, not te whole list, where as the pagination is showing.
How do I get the data. please suggest.
A screen shot of the User Mngt. screen is attached.
Last edit: 14 years 1 month ago by vspunn. Reason: Problem Solved