i have the same problem: would like to change the width and height of the textareas, but nothing works. I have read the FAQ and tried to change it by editing the .css file = no result. I tried to change the values in the UddeIm Backend = no results.
I am using the newest version on a Joomla 1.6.3 Installation. Further installed is the tachyon template from rockettheme and CB 1.4 with German Language. Everything was freshly installed. No upgrades or hacks.
Do you have an idea how to solve the issue ?
I have the same problem. I tired to modify the size, rows and cols values in backend, and changed the css file too (resizing both textarea and the div containing it), but nothing changed. I run CB 1.7 on a Joomla! 1.5.22 Stable website
[solved] if can help anyone else:
i was trying to fix the textarea with my joomla template css.
Even if this worked fine with other elements, in this case doesn't matter how many "!important" you add to the width and height properties, they won't work on textarea.
Just edit the template.css file in the components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/ folder