I downloaded this Autologin plugin -
for joomla 1.5
And it works ... after clicking SUBMIT when finishing the registration the user automaticaly is logged .. BUT .. I'm getting this 2 messages
1.This user has not yet confirmed e-mail address and account!
2.This user has not yet been approved by a moderator!
But I have these options set to NO in CB settings ...
Even when I want to enter in profile it says these messages.
Here is the code of the plugin :
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
class plgUserAutolog_after_registration extends JPlugin {
function plgUserAutolog_after_registration( &$subject ) {
parent::__construct( $subject );
function onAfterStoreUser($user, $isnew, $succes, $msg){
// just startup
global $mainframe, $model;
$usersipass = JRequest::getvar('username');
$usersipass = JRequest::getvar('password');
// You ca use the "return" hidden input in your form template
$return = trim(JRequest::getvar('return'));
if ($return!="") {
} else {
} // fonction
} // class
Please have a look .
Joomla 1.5.22 - CB 1.3