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Register button HTTP 505 error

13 years 11 months ago - 13 years 11 months ago #158845 by dlouisseize
Register button HTTP 505 error was created by dlouisseize
Good afternoon everyone,

I recently decided to make my website bilingual in Joomla by installing French support on a site that has CB and CBSubs installed.

After installing the M17N plugin and assigned a language to all my individual pages/menus, I noticed that the Registration/Forgot password on the login box of my CB is now broken and brings me to a HTTP 505 Internal Server Error page. I can access everything on the backend and I can login to the site but I can't register or click forgot password.

Has anyone ever encountered this error? Is there a way to fix it other then removing all the work I did to make my site bilingual? I haven't encountered this error with any other section of my site.

You can see it here:
I also tried to disable SEF friendly URL's and it remains the same.

Any help would be appreciated!
Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by dlouisseize.

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