badbrad wrote: I'm very happy with the way community builder works and is perfect for a lot of functionalities. High five for all the developers!
What I'm looking at doing is calling information from the database that has been captured during the input process in certain fields that I have created in CB Field manager and displaying these in a Joomla article.
This can be done with the Incubator CB Bot project (available to Professional members).
My senario is: I have a list of members from a certain organisation who come from various regions from around the country. I would like to preset these region areas during the field setup. I then want to have a region map in which people will be able to select which region they want to find members in and the page must then display those members from that region area as well as their address details or such other. It could be a list of 5-20 members from this region.
Could anyone please help me with this. Any help is much appreciated.
This you can do with a CB User list.