Hey all,
So.. I got people to registrate their own profile cause of CB, and I setted things up so people can upload 3 pictures in their profile..
Altho.. I want that, if people only upload one picture, the other two picture entries will be blank and not noticed on the profile with a default error-picture, like it is now.
So.. to be more detailed.. now if people upload one picture in stead of the three possible picture uploads.. on the profile the other two picture entries are filled with a defauld error-picture, so people will be demanded to upload drie pictures for their profile to look good.
Any ideas how to undo this?
Same goes with other entries, like nickname.. if people don't have a nickname and leave the entry blank it shoudn't be showed on the profile with: nickname: -
It should just not be showed at all.
Any ideas?
Appreciated in advance for your help,