I hope someone can help me with this rather unfortunate error.
The problem is as following.
Everything in community builder works as it should. Except the registration...
Whenever users registrate, everything runs fine until they click on the confirmation link in the pending e-mail. When they do this, they are re-directed to a 404: not found page.
Now, I do think I figured out the cause for this annoying bug that doesn't allow users to confirm their registration!
I've uploaded my website twice the past few days. Both times with community builder. However, the first time I had 'not' activated acesef! Everything worked fine then (community builder wise). The second time I did exactly the same thing, but with acesef activated and running. And now apparantly it doesn't work. Or at least the confirmation mail isn't doing what its supposed too!
The question being is. My users can't register because the confirmation link doesn't work. How can I solve this little quirck? Also I'd not prefer disabling acesef.
My website is running on
on joomla 1.6 and the latest version of cb. Any help would be appreciated!
Many thanks in advance,