An error has come up on one of my client sites. The following comes up when a user tries to confirm their email address via the link that is sent to them: Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::removeActivationCode() in /***/***/***l/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.class.php on line 827
Site is running: Joomla 1.5.21 & CB 1.2.3. Client is reluctant to upgrade anything + I did custom edits to things such as the layout of the login module (and other things that I don't remember atm, not really hardcore edits) so I am worried about overwriting my changes with an upgrade or reinstall. I also used the mysqlfield plugin allot to create custom information types for display in the user profiles as per client requests.
The Check Community Builder Database tool which reports: There are 8 column(s) missing in the comprofiler table, which are defined as fields (rows in comprofiler_fields). All the fields mentioned are mysqlfield fields. Would this cause the problem somehow? I test the site extensively in the past without any issues. Help please!!